What are You Having Trouble Changing?

As a hypnotherapist I am an expert in helping people make change which I think is funny as Virginia Satir said the hardest thing for a person to do is to change. Resistance to change is especially true of adults. Children however eagerly change and have a teachable spirit. What are the old ways you want to change? Make a list of them so you can start replacing them with new ways.

It is near impossible to make changes if your unconscious mind is not on board with your decision to change. Daily I give people’s unconscious suggestions for making change and it creatively finds a way to fulfill the suggestions.

The universe also will support you to make positive changes. By making your list you set your intention into the world. Hypnosis, meditation, prayer, yoga, being mindful of your thoughts and feelings, practicing quiet and stillness can all help you transform through renewing your mind. The first step toward change is to  bring the desired change to the forefront of your mind, visualize the change you desire daily while you are creating your future.



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