Want Your Power Back? Try Hypnosis

Many times, people find themselves at Golden Heart Hypnosis’s door because they are experiencing power loss. Often clients don’t consciously know they are powerless, the complaint is usually “I can’t sleep”, “I don’t have any energy”, “My family is driving me nuts”, “My job is too demanding”, “I’m having panic attacks”, and so forth.  …

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Living a Joyous Life

I accept from the universe all that it wants to give me so that I can gather the stars. I feel their light shine on me, twinkling a prism of color, falling on my head and shoulders softly settling in my heart. Today is a good day to be alive. Love & Light, Sharron Magyar

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Message from Carl Jung

There are two things that can change peoples lives for the better. One is having gratitude in the heart and the other is to treat people with love.

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Creating Excellence – Making Empowering Decisions

People who are successful in creating excellence in their life think carefully about the issues and facts, give them careful deliberation and consideration, and then make a decision. Once they make a decision take immediate action. Excellence Tip: Spend more time thinking and planning before you make your decision, and you’ll make better decisions. Excellence…

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Achieving Excellence – Neutralizing Irritation

We live in a world where people go through life being annoyed all the time. Standing in line at the grocery store waiting for the person ahead of you while they are asking the clerk to get something for them they should have gotten themselves can be like biting nails some days. Reading all the…

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Success is an Act of Setting Yourself on Fire

There is a quote hanging on my office wall. It is, “Success is not a result of spontaneous combustion, it is an act of setting yourself on fire -Reggie Leach. I love to read at this quote throughout the day because it reminds me I must accept responsibility for my achievements. As I think about success,…

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Sharron Magyar’s Interview with Selena Valentine


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What are You Having Trouble Changing?

As a hypnotherapist I am an expert in helping people make change which I think is funny as Virginia Satir said the hardest thing for a person to do is to change. Resistance to change is especially true of adults. Children however eagerly change and have a teachable spirit. What are the old ways you…

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