Is Stress Wrapped Around Your Neck Strangling You?
Have you ever woke up one day and realized it is hard to put one foot in front of the other? It seems all the energy has been sucked out of your body? You may suffer from chronic stress. Stress takes a toll on your soul if energy drain becomes prolonged over months and years.…
Addiction to Stress
No one wants to be stressed and we always blame our stress on other people and life’s circumstances. Stress in our life feels real and we feel helpless to change it but if you look at stress closer you will realize there is an addictive component to it. The apostle Paul sums up addiction well…
Refuse Permission
Have you ever gone through the day feeling negative about everything from the moment you put your feet on the floor? You knew you were cranky but just kept on feeling negative emotions. Did you know you are giving permission for those emotions to take you over? Negative emotions need permission to have entry into…