The Creek Outside My Window

Today as I look out the window and see the creek, I notice the ducks taking refuge out of the wind. They are in a constant flow of coming in to be exchanged by new ones as they fly out. There are tufts of grass peeking out of the water, but some days the grass…

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Bitter Cold

“God makes beautiful days but often you are too distracted to notice them. Stop and soak them in. They are a gift to you. “          Today I look out my dining room window and it is bitter cold outside. What I like about the bitter cold is everything has a sharp crisp look to…

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Living a Joyous Life

I accept from the universe all that it wants to give me so that I can gather the stars. I feel their light shine on me, twinkling a prism of color, falling on my head and shoulders softly settling in my heart. Today is a good day to be alive. Love & Light, Sharron Magyar

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Achieving Excellence – Neutralizing Irritation

We live in a world where people go through life being annoyed all the time. Standing in line at the grocery store waiting for the person ahead of you while they are asking the clerk to get something for them they should have gotten themselves can be like biting nails some days. Reading all the…

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Is Stress Wrapped Around Your Neck Strangling You?

Have you ever woke up one day and realized it is hard to put one foot in front of the other? It seems all the energy has been sucked out of your body? You may suffer from chronic stress. Stress takes a toll on your soul if energy drain becomes prolonged over months and years.…

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It’s funny how life lessons come to you in strange ways. You just have to be aware to receive them. I am working on being more mindful. That is hard for someone whose mind goes fifty miles an hour. Obviously that is just the point. I would like to share my mindfulness lesson for this…

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Thanksgiving 2016

Image by Pixabay Today is Thanksgiving and I am thinking of what I am thankful for. I feel so blessed that throughout the years my parents made their house an open house for all the family and friends. For as long as I can remember all of my siblings and their children crowded home…

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As I Sit On The Veranda And Look Down Upon The Ocean Waves?

We say hi and he disappears, having given me a special gift to think about for the day.

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Have You Treated Yourself to a Beautiful Walk in Nature Lately?

Remember when you were a child and you played and played in the yard chasing butterflies, grasshoppers and fireflies. No wonder children are carefree with abandonment; they know how to immerse themselves into nature. Would you like to get back to that feeling of being carefree? There are a million ways to cope with stress.…

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