Want Your Power Back? Try Hypnosis
Many times, people find themselves at Golden Heart Hypnosis’s door because they are experiencing power loss. Often clients don’t consciously know they are powerless, the complaint is usually “I can’t sleep”, “I don’t have any energy”, “My family is driving me nuts”, “My job is too demanding”, “I’m having panic attacks”, and so forth. …
Achieving Excellence – Neutralizing Irritation
We live in a world where people go through life being annoyed all the time. Standing in line at the grocery store waiting for the person ahead of you while they are asking the clerk to get something for them they should have gotten themselves can be like biting nails some days. Reading all the…
Are You Worrying Yourself Sick?
I am thinking today about how luring it is to get trapped in the web of worry. The more we focus on how worried we are the more immobilized we become. Many days bring difficulties, but often we rehearse them over and over again like a spider watching their prey about to die. The…
Excellence in Your Life
Each of us has a high state of excellence we can strive to achieve no matter what phase your life is in. Excellence is different for each person. Perhaps for a drug addict it is going through each day without doing drugs. Maybe for a preacher it is saving someone’s soul and for some it…
Achieving Excellence – Setting Resentment Free
Image by Pixabay http://pixabay.com/en/
Weight Loss Recordings
Want to learn what you will experience with weight loss hypnosis recordings? They’ll encourage the use of imagination to connect with the ideal you. Mental imagery is very powerful tool for creating change in your life, especially in a focused state of attention. Hypnosis recording present ideas or suggestions while you are in…
Addiction to Stress
No one wants to be stressed and we always blame our stress on other people and life’s circumstances. Stress in our life feels real and we feel helpless to change it but if you look at stress closer you will realize there is an addictive component to it. The apostle Paul sums up addiction well…
11 Recommended Stress Busters
1. Practice letting go, making a conscious choice not to become angry or upset. 2. Do not allow yourself to waste thought and energy where it isn’t deserved. 3. Breathe slowly and deeply. 4. If you have a few minutes, try out a relaxation technique such as meditation or guided imagery. 5. Whenever you feel…
Have You Treated Yourself to a Beautiful Walk in Nature Lately?
Remember when you were a child and you played and played in the yard chasing butterflies, grasshoppers and fireflies. No wonder children are carefree with abandonment; they know how to immerse themselves into nature. Would you like to get back to that feeling of being carefree? There are a million ways to cope with stress.…